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4 Ways to Update Your Breast Implants

Written by: Tarak H. Patel, MD

Remember the days when you couldn’t wait to get your breast implants? If you’re like most women, you probably loved your implants for years, but as time passed, you noticed they started to look or feel a little different. This is totally normal. You’re not the same woman you were 10-15 years ago – and your breasts don’t have to be either. Luckily, there are more than a handful of ways you can update your breast implants to achieve your desired look.

Can You Change Your Implants?

Breast implants are typically made of silicone gel or saline, and they don’t last forever. As time passes, the implant may shift or move in an odd way that makes you feel self-conscious and can make the appearance of your breasts change.

If this describes your experience with implants, then it’s likely that you’ve considered a change. At Cascade, we know that when you’re not happy with the size or shape of your implants, it can affect your entire body image. That’s why our plastic surgery team, led by Tarak H. Patel, MD, is proud to provide a variety of solutions to help update your breast implants and get you back to feeling confident.

Option 1: Breast Implant Reductions

Many women choose to keep implants and simply reduce their size by replacing the current implant with a smaller one. This will help make the breasts smaller and more manageable without losing the overall desired look that implants help achieve.

Option 2: Breast Implant Revision

Revisions are among the most popular choices for updating breast implants. These are often done for patients whose implants have:

  • Lost volume (implant deflation)
  • Leaked
  • Shifted from their original position
  • Implants are fine, but there are changes in native breast tissue around the implant

Breast implant revisions are also popular for women who have experienced significant weight gain or weight loss and would like their breasts to be proportionate to their new figure.

Option 3: Breast Implant Removal and Replacement

If you want a truly brand new look, then it’s best to remove the current implants and replace them with new ones. This is completed in one surgery under general anesthesia. Not only can this be performed at any age after receiving implants, but it’s a great choice for women who like their implants but desire a brand new size, appearance and sense of proportion.

Option 4: Breast Implant Removal

If you are no longer satisfied with your implants and just want them removed, then this is a great solution. Removal can be performed at any age after receiving breast implants and can provide you with the sense of relief that you may have been craving.

What is the Process for Updating My Implants?

No matter which option you choose to update your breast implants, our plastic surgery team at Cascade is happy to discuss all of the options available. Dr. Patel and his staff are committed to providing patients with the best possible results so they can enjoy a renewed sense of body image. That’s why every patient begins with a comprehensive consultation.

Consultation With Our Team

During your consultation, Dr. Patel will work with you to determine your goals and develop a surgical plan that meets your individual needs. Whether you want a slight enhancement, total replacement or removal, you’ll be able to ask questions and get all the information you need to feel confident about your surgery.

Surgical Procedure

The surgical procedure for breast implant replacements and removals is not unlike the original procedure. Once you’ve selected your desired outcome, Dr. Patel will guide you through the surgery process. The goal of this procedure is always to achieve the most natural look possible so that you feel confident in yourself and your decision.


All surgical procedures at Cascade are completed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you can go home the same day of surgery. There is minimal downtime required for this procedure, and most patients can resume daily activities within a few days. However, it is important to avoid exercise for the first three to four weeks after surgery to allow the new implants to settle naturally.

Update Your Breast Implants at Cascade Plastic Surgery Center

Contact Dr. Patel’s team at Cascade today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how to update your breast implants. We are proud to offer a variety of surgical options that can help you achieve the look you’ve been dreaming of.

Our goal is to help you feel confident. Call 253-564-3366 today to speak with our team, or click here to find your nearest Cascade Plastic Surgery Center location.

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