There are several types of multifocal or “accommodating” Intraocular Lens (IOL) options available today. Each lens type comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but the best fit for you will depend on the unique characteristics of your eye as well as your lifestyle needs. You and your physician will decide together which type of lens is more advantageous for you.
Multifocal and accommodating IOLs are considered “premium” IOLs, which means there may be additional costs associated with these lenses.
Conditions That Require Multifocal Lenses
Presbyopia is a condition that most people over the age of 40 experience that results in difficulty seeing up close without the aid of bifocals, trifocals, or reading glasses. This age-related condition is believed to be caused by the hardening of the lens inside the eye, making it difficult for the eye’s muscles to change focus.
Until recently, the primary IOL option for cataract surgery was to receive a “fixed focus” IOL. Patients who received this type of IOL typically had both eyes corrected for distance vision but usually still required glasses for intermediate and near vision.
Many cataract surgery patients now have the option of the new technologically advanced IOLs that can provide a full range of vision. This means that you can read and see clearly in the distance and everything in between, with little or no dependence on glasses or contacts.