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Thigh lift candidates often:

  • Possess excess skin resulting from significant weight loss
  • Experience excess soft tissue around the thigh area
  • Have a desire to smooth out stretch marks on the legs and thighs
  • Want to balance out existing body proportions
  • Are committed to a healthy lifestyle following the operation, including proper diet and exercise

Your Consultation

Dr. Tarak Patel, M.D. will evaluate your area of concern during your scheduled consultation. He will discuss the thigh lift procedure in detail with you, including potential risks and complications, and together you will devise a customized treatment plan.

Understanding Your Thigh Lift Surgery

Inner Thigh Lift

Targets the inner thigh, and is a good option for mild to moderate amounts of excess fat and skin. This procedure uses relatively short incisions from the groin and thigh area to the buttocks.

Medial Thigh Lift

Targets the inner, upper thigh, with the incision running from the inside of the thigh around to the buttocks.

Vertical Thigh Lift

This procedure is the most common choice for those who have recently lost a significant amount of weight, with an incision that extends from the groin to the inner knee.

Spiral Thigh Lift

Helps to sculpt much of the thigh, with an incision that goes from below the buttocks and ends where the thigh and pubic areas join.


Most patients who receive a thigh lift return to work between 1-3 weeks following surgery. Tightness and discomfort at the incisions sites are common in the first few days following your procedure, which can be alleviated with pain medications prescribed by Dr. Patel.

Bruising and swelling are the most common symptoms after surgery, and you will also be required to wear a compression garment to protect your incisions and to promote tightening and firming of the skin. Dr. Patel will monitor your progress to ensure proper healing at your follow-up visits.

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