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Fat grafting candidates are often seeking to enhance the cosmetic appearance of the:

  • Face
  • Breast
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Hips
  • Buttocks

Fat grafting can also be used to replace lost volume in certain parts of the body, like filling in recessed scars, depressions, or acne pits that have left behind empty spaces.

Your Consultation

At your initial fat grafting consultation at Cascade Eye & Skin Centers, Dr. Tarak H. Patel will evaluate your current physical health and aesthetic goals. Together, you will devise a customized plan to achieve your desired outcome. First, you may need to take some diagnostic tests to determine the viability of the fat cells in your body.

Dr. Patel is dedicated to providing his patients with high quality, individualized care throughout the entire surgical process, beginning at the first consultation.

Understanding Your Fat Grafting Procedure

Prior to your fat grafting procedure, you will receive a form of anesthesia to minimize any discomfort that you may feel. Usually, local anesthesia is adequate for the procedure, but sometimes IV sedation may be necessary.

After your dose of anesthesia, fat is removed from areas, such as in the hips and abdomen, and transferred to sites that have less volume, like the face, breasts, and buttocks. Fat is extracted from the donor area using liposuction treatment, which breaks up and suctions out fat tissue from the body.

Once the fat is removed using liposuction, the fat is transferred to a centrifuge, where it is purified and processed into a fluid form. The purpose of centrifugation is to separate the viable fat cells from the ones that are unusable. The purified fat cells are then injected back into the body at the recipient site.


Once your fat transfer procedure is completed, you should expect some redness and swelling at the incision sites. You can usually return to normal activities within a few days of the procedure, but it is important to avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks following your fat transfer.

You should expect natural-looking results within one to three months, but reaching your ideal expectations sometimes takes anywhere from six months to a year. Over time, there is a possibility that results can fade, and multiple procedures may be required for optimal aesthetic enhancement.

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